What’s “TI” quality battery 

Gas gauge chip on apple original BMS flex is supported by Texas Instruments (TI) company in USA..

But then “TI” this name slowly turn to stand for a quality level for aftermarket battery,but actually not, these “TI battery” on the market or seller claim their battery is TI flex, actually these TI all is different .

“TI battery” = Gas gauge chip pulled it off from apple original flex and then OEM it onto a new flex + other material by Chinese batteries factory.

In other words,TI is a company name (Texas Instruments) who supporting gas gauge for iphone original battery, and people take off the used TI Gas gauge from used iphone battery and OEM it onto a new aftermarket battery to use again and this type battery is called “TI” in the market.

But so ,what’s the different on these “TI Battery”?
We will explain more in the following blog .